דני דין נע ונד 1990
ורמוקס 1990
Program no. 3
Program No. 3 was created for the 1990 Israel Festival, presented in the Jerusalem Theatre underground shelter, and later in the Ramat Aviv venue of Shelter 209. Here, Zakheim, Raban, and Schen chose to present works they had each developed individually, but in a communal time and place. Each of the works was presented in one space divided into three inner "territories". Rolled screened revealed and obscured one work or another at different times, or all at once. This created a complex, threefold experience of three internal and artistic worlds, where their joint exhibition laid out their connections and contrasts. Viewers simultaneously took in the commonalities and disparities between the three, as well as the intermediary space they created between them.
Year: 1990
Venue: Israel Festival, Jerusalem Theatre, Shelter 209 in Ramat Aviv
Participating artists: Dan Zakheim, Tamar Raban, Anat Schen